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File for preset 'slower' not found in ffmpeg with linux

When I am using the below command then getting the error "File for preset 'slower' not found"

/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i mainFile.mp4 -ss 00:03:22 -t 00:00:22 -acodec libfaac -vcodec libx264 -vpre slower -crf 18 -aspect 16:9 -r 25 -b 3000k -vpre main -level 21 -refs 2 -threads 0 spliteFile.mp4

But when I am trying basic ffmpeg command then it is working fine.

/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i mainFile.mp4 -ss 0 -t 100 spliteFile.mp4

Please suggest. I think I am missing the parameter? thanks in advance....


  • vpre is not an alias for the x264/5 encoder preset!

    Replace -vpre slower with -preset slower and -vpre main with -profile:v main.

    Also, libfaac is the least recommended AAC encoder. libfdk_aac > aac > lifaac. Your ffmpeg looks to be old, since libfaac is no longer supported in recent versions. I suggest upgrading.