I have a collection of various models in my flask project. Some of the models have foreign keys to two other models (many-to-many tables).
When I open these many-to-many models in flask-admin some of the records get duplicated on different pages and not all records are shown. However, the total number of records is correct.
When I sort the records by the many-to-many model's id then everything is fine - all records are shown and without any duplicates. I haven't seen such strange behaviour with other models (which are not many-to-many), but only with many-to-many ones.
Does anybody know how to resolve this strange issue?
Unfortunately, it seems that the StackOverflow community sometimes just ignores some questions. However, some time ago I resolved my issue.
I added this line to my model definition:
column_sortable_list = ('id',)
I needed to clearly state what columns can be used for sorting. This solved the problem in my many-to-many models. Now there are no duplicates and all the records are shown. Don't know if it is a feature or a bug.
If you need to see all columns presorted in ascending order by id then add this:
column_default_sort = ('id', False)
Hope this will help other developers using flask-admin.