I am using the Windows function CreateToolhelp32snapshot
to enumerate running processes on my machine. The pe32.szeFileName
field it returns is a WCHAR
, and this is the executable's name.
I want to compare each executable name to a long array of executables I produce, like so:
WCHAR* processNames[numProcesses] = { "word", "excel", "outlook, ...}
Unfortunately, I don't know how to check if any element of this processNames array is a substring of the WCHAR
returned from pe32.szeFilename
I know wcsstr
would work if I was dealing with two const wchar_t *
strings. How can I compare the WCHAR
returned by pe32.szeFilename
with each element of an array of strings? Specifically, I want to see if any string in the array (any kind of format is fine) is a substring of the WCHAR
EDIT: My current loop:
do {
wprintf(L"Process name: %s\n", pe32.szExeFile);
for (int i = 0; i < numProcesses; ++i) {
if (wcsstr(pe32.szExeFile, processNames[i])) {
// Found it
wprintf("%s", pe32.szExeFile);
} while (Process32Next(hProcessSnap, &pe32));
The question tagged with unicode
, so I suppose, you should try to change all literals' declaration to L"characters"
, e.g.:
WCHAR* processNames[numProcesses] = { L"word", L"excel", L"outlook", ...}
then check that appropriate unicode functions are used, e.g. UNICODE
is defined or function names with W
Process32FirstW(hProcessSnap, &pe32);
. . .
Process32NextW(hProcessSnap, &pe32);
and finally (start from that one, perhaps this allows you to see the result of condition of if
), use L"%s"
for wprintf
wprintf(L"%s", pe32.szExeFile);
Just to check behavior of wprintf
I wrote a small piece of code (Visual Studio 2013 was used), so result of
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
int main(void)
WCHAR* procName = L"excel";
WCHAR* processNames[3] = { L"word", L"excel", L"outlook" };
wprintf(L"Process name: %s\n", procName);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (wcsstr(procName, processNames[i])) {
wprintf("%s", procName);
return 0;
Process name: excel
(i.e. looks like if
has false condition),
but code (only one L
added for wprintf
inside loop)
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
int main(void)
WCHAR* procName = L"excel";
WCHAR* processNames[3] = { L"word", L"excel", L"outlook" };
wprintf(L"Process name: %s\n", procName);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (wcsstr(procName, processNames[i])) {
wprintf(L"%s", procName);
return 0;
Process name: excel