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Eureka row to present view controller and return value in Swift 3.0

I am looking for help in figuring out how to have a row in a MultivaluedSection present a view controller with a second Eureka form and return a value back to the MultivaluedSection row. I've been able to get a regular ButtonRow to push a view controller using a segue, but I can't figure out not to get a value back to the row in the MultivaluedSection. I'm not sure if the ButtonRow method supports returning values or not so I started looking for other solutions. One I found is to use a custom presenter row (, but I don't understand how to make that work.

Here one thing I did find, but again, I don't understand how to put this all together:

Help creating simple Custom Presenter Row -

Can someone either point me to a working sample or help walk me through getting this setup?


  • If you are already pushing a new VC with a segue, then you might want to implement a protocol and define the functions to pass data back.

    Here is a good tutorial with Navigation controllers where at the end a Protocol is added.


    View one (could be the Form View Controller with the ButtonRow)

    class FormVC: FormViewController , FooViewControllerDelegate{
        var text : String!
        override func viewDidLoad() {
        /// Delegate protocol callback implementation
        func myVCDidFinish(controller: FooViewController, text: String) {
            // Receive the data as a delegate
            self.text = text
            // In this case we also want to finish the view
            controller.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
        /// This represents the prepare for segue mentioned as implemented in the question
        override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
            // Act upon the segue we want from this VC
            // The string is defined in the storyboard, so it must be exactly the same
            if segue.identifier == "mySegue"{
                // Creating the second VC instance
                let vc = segue.destination as! FooViewController
                // Since this class is now a delegate, setup the delegate
                vc.delegate = self

    View two (the pushed View controller)

    protocol FooViewControllerDelegate {
        func myVCDidFinish(controller: FooViewController, text: String)
    class FooViewController: UIViewController {
        /// Data
        var text : String!
        /// Set up an optional delegate
        var delegate:FooViewControllerDelegate? = nil
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            // Init label
            self.text = "Pushed view data to pass back