I am writing a CF mobile app and am using the cfclient
tag. I am encountering issues with remote datasource connections and can’t get it resolved.
From cfclient, I am using “rooms” as my datasource string which is defined in the CF Administrator as a data source. It is connecting to a remote SQL Server. “Tblblogs” exists in the "rooms" database, but under cfclient I get an error that: > No such table exists
However, if I take same query [blgQ] that selects “tblblogs” outside cfclient, it works fine and without issue. I am not sure why it is not making right datasource connection under cfclient (as defined in the administrator) .
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<h2>Add Expense</h2>
<form >
<table >
<td>Date:</td> <td><input type="date" id="dateTxt"></td>
<td>Amount:</td> <td><input type="number" id="amtTxt"></td>
<td><input type="text" id="descTxt"></td>
<td colspan="2">
<button type="button" id="addBtn">Add</button>
<table id="expList">
<script >
document.getElementById("addBtn").onclick = function(){
<!--- cfclient code starts here --->
<cfset document.getElementById("expList").innerHTML =''>
<!--- on client side you do not need to pre-configure datasource --->
<cfset dsn = "rooms">
<!--- create database if not already created --->
<cfquery datasource="rooms">
create table if not exists expenses (
id integer primary key,
expense_date integer,
amount real,
desc text
<!--- Get expense records from the table --->
<cfquery datasource="rooms" name="expenses">
select * from expense order by expense_date desc
<cfset alert(expenses.amount)>
<!--- Loop over expenses query object and display --->
<cfloop query="expenses">
<cfset var tmpDate = new Date(expense_date)>
<cfset addExpenseRow(expense_date,amount,desc)>
<cfcatch type="any" name="e">
<cfset alert(e.message)>
<!--- Helper function to add epxpense row to HTML table --->
<cffunction name="addExpenseRow" >
<cfargument name="expense_date" >
<cfargument name="amt" >
<cfargument name="desc" >
<cfoutput >
<cfsavecontent variable="rowHtml" >
<cfset document.getElementById("expList").innerHTML += rowHtml>
<!--- Called from JS script block in response to click event for addBtn --->
<cffunction name="addExpense" >
<cfset var tmpDate = new Date(document.getElementById("dateTxt").value)>
<cfset var amt = Number(document.getElementById("amtTxt").value)>
<cfset var desc = document.getElementById("descTxt").value>
<!--- TODO: Do data validation --->
<!--- Insert expense row into database table --->
<cfquery datasource="rooms" result="result">
insert into expense (expense_date,amount,desc) values(
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" value="#tmpDate.getTime()#">,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_numeric" value="#amt#">,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#desc#">
<cfcatch type="any" name="e">
<cfset alert(e.message)>
<!--- add the new expense row to HTML table --->
<cfset addExpenseRow(tmpDate,amt,desc)>
<cfquery datasource="rooms" name="blgQ">
select * from tblblogs
<cfdump var="#blgQ#"
> Blockquote
on <cfclient>
is not really the same thing as the regular <cfclient>
It is intended to do light weight interactions with Web SQL. Web SQL is not universally supported, and it is not likely to. <cfclient>
will also suffer from all the issues that plagued <cfform>
. Namely javascript will move forward, but the code generated by this tag may not.
See Client side CFML For Mobile Development.
I suspect you are trying to do something that might be more appropriate with AJAX or REST