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Can the kind `*` be thought of as `ob(Hask)`?

If Hask is the category of all haskell types (with functions as arrows), then can we think of ob(Hask) (that is, the collection of objects of Hask) as equal to *?

If not, in what sense is this wrong?


  • At this point it must be some sort of cliché to link to the Hask article on the Haskell wiki every time a question about Hask gets brought up, but here it is.

    To expand on the wiki a little I think the answer to this question is a very boring yes, but only because Hask is defined such that the objects of Hask are types of kind ⭑. The full definition is:

    • Let every type of kind ⭑ be an object of Hask, except undefined. I think "Yes" is essentially the answer to your question until a devil's advocate brings up undefined and seq, at which point the answer necessarily becomes more and more complicated.

    • Let every function of type A -> B be an arrow from the object corresponding to type A to the object corresponding to type B.

    • Very carefully choose a notion of equality for the arrows, which may or may not exist (see ensuing discussion) or maybe throw out seq or maybe give up altogether.

    • Let the arrow corresponding to id :: A -> A be the identity arrow for each object.

    • Let ., which is associative &c., correspond to the composition of arrows, which must be associative &c.

    This is by no means the only category you can model Haskell programs with but we do this and bless it with the Hask name because a lot of other notions then naturally correspond to Haskell computation. For example, an endofunctor on this category would conveniently be represented by something of kind ⭑ -> ⭑ with a (lawful) function taking fmap :: ((a :: ⭑) -> (b :: ⭑)) -> ((f a :: ⭑) -> (f b :: ⭑)).