I am trying to use the Python library Click, but struggle to get an example working. I defined two groups, one of which (group2
) is meant to handle common parameters for this group of commands. What I want to achieve is that those common parameters get processed by the group function (group2
) and assigned to the context variable, so they can be used by the actual commands.
A use case would be a number of commands that require username and password, while some others don't (not even optionally).
This is the code
import click
def group1(ctx):
@click.option('--optparam', default=None, type=str)
@click.option('--optparam2', default=None, type=str)
def group2(ctx, optparam):
print 'in group2', optparam
ctx['foo'] = create_foo_by_processing_params(optparam, optparam2)
def command2a(ctx):
print 'command2a', ctx['foo']
@click.option('--another-param', default=None, type=str)
def command2b(ctx, another_param):
print 'command2b', ctx['foo'], another_param
# many more more commands here...
# @group2.command()
# def command2x():
# ...
def command1(argument1, option1):
print 'In command2', argument1, option1
cli = click.CommandCollection(sources=[group1, group2])
if __name__ == '__main__':
And this is the result when using command2:
$ python cli-test.py command2 --optparam=123
> Error: no such option: --optparam`
What's wrong with this example. I tried to follow the docs closely, but opt-param
doesn't seem to be recognised.
The basic issue with the desired scheme is that click.CommandCollection
does not call the group function. It skips directly to the command. In addition it is desired to apply options to the group via decorator, but have the options parsed by the command. That is:
> my_prog my_command --group-option
instead of:
> my_prog --group-option my_command
This click.Group
derived class hooks the command invocation for the commands to intercept the group parameters, and pass them to the group command.
, add the params to the commandGroup.add_command
, override command.invoke
, take the special args inserted from the group and put them into ctx.obj
and remove them from params
, invoke the group command, and then the command itselfimport click
class GroupWithCommandOptions(click.Group):
""" Allow application of options to group with multi command """
def add_command(self, cmd, name=None):
click.Group.add_command(self, cmd, name=name)
# add the group parameters to the command
for param in self.params:
# hook the commands invoke with our own
cmd.invoke = self.build_command_invoke(cmd.invoke)
self.invoke_without_command = True
def build_command_invoke(self, original_invoke):
def command_invoke(ctx):
""" insert invocation of group function """
# separate the group parameters
ctx.obj = dict(_params=dict())
for param in self.params:
name = param.name
ctx.obj['_params'][name] = ctx.params[name]
del ctx.params[name]
# call the group function with its parameters
params = ctx.params
ctx.params = ctx.obj['_params']
ctx.params = params
# now call the original invoke (the command)
return command_invoke
def group1(ctx):
def command1(argument1, option1):
click.echo('In command2 %s %s' % (argument1, option1))
@click.option('--optparam', default=None, type=str)
@click.option('--optparam2', default=None, type=str)
def group2(ctx, optparam, optparam2):
# create_foo_by_processing_params(optparam, optparam2)
ctx.obj['foo'] = 'from group2 %s %s' % (optparam, optparam2)
def command2a(ctx):
click.echo('command2a foo:%s' % ctx.obj['foo'])
@click.option('--another-param', default=None, type=str)
def command2b(ctx, another_param):
click.echo('command2b %s %s' % (ctx['foo'], another_param))
cli = click.CommandCollection(sources=[group1, group2])
if __name__ == '__main__':
cli('command2a --optparam OP'.split())
command2a foo:from group2 OP None