I have followed this documentation on how to use the azure social authorization provider for google plus sign-in. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service-mobile/app-service-mobile-how-to-configure-google-authentication
After authentication is finished it sends the app to this page: https://yourapp.azurewebsites.net/.auth/login/done
Is the post_login_redirect_url a way to redirect back to your web application and pass the token?
Is there anyway to redirect back to your static html website with the token?
After looking more into the post_login_redirect_url it looks like the way is that this parameter is attached like this /.auth/login/?post_login_redirect_url=/
You can then grab the token from your url as it is stored in the hash value.
This question was helpful: How to set Azure Authentication custom login return url?
Another way to get the token that I found was to call /.auth/me to get back your authorized array of tokens.