I am new to django, after many tries to find a pip install package for linking mysql to django, I have been able to successfully install it using pip3 install pymysql. Now this hasn't been given up on django documentation 1.11. Django documentation only mention of MySQL DB API Drivers are 1. MySQLdb 2. mysqlclient 3. MySQL Connector/Python
Now after a long hardwork in just figuring out how to properly install a db driver. without any error for my win 10. I want to know will pymsql will work successfully for my setup?
should work fine if you are planning to use MySql for your project. You can try downloading the .whl file for your windows and python configuration from this link
Since you are using python3.4 download the mysqlclient‑1.3.10‑cp34‑cp34m‑win_amd64.whl file. Once you do that. Install that .whl file with command.
pip install /path/to/your/.whl file/some-package.whl
Then you can continue with django docs.