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radio button list selectedItem.Value not working when compared to a string

I am using VB.NET and I can't compare the radio button lists selectedItem.Value to a string, it doesn't is the code: (I have also tried selectedValue it does not work either)

Response.Write("RB1: " + rblOne.SelectedItem.Value + " FML FML FML<br/>")
            If rblOne.SelectedItem.Value = "No" Then
                Response.Write("Hey there!<BR/>")
                pnlR1.Visible = True
                If NumberOfAnswers = 7 Then
                    Score = Score - 10
                ElseIf NumberOfAnswers = 6 Then
                    Score = Score - 15
                    Score = Score - 20
                End If
                Response.Write("Score: " + Score.ToString)
            End If

If rblOne.SelectedItem.Value = "No" Then is not working, notice the debug statements in there, here is the output:

alt text

Why won't it evaluate that rblOne.SelectedItem.Value = "No" !?!?!? I tried rblOne.SelectedValue, that doesn't work, AND I added .ToString to both, which did not help, I even tried it w/ "No".ToString...this doesn't make any sense.


  •     If rblOne.SelectedIndex > -1 AndAlso rblOne.Items(rblOne.SelectedIndex).Value.ToString = "No" Then
            'Code to run if the selected list item in the radio button list has a value of "No"
        End If