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Xml Digital signature with C# .NET Core 1.1

I am working on a client side communication with a SOAP web services using .NET Core (latest version at the moment 1.1.) and C# (actually Omnisharp). Requests should be digitally signed with an enveloped signature, using RSA-SHA1 signing method, ending up with structure like this:

     <Signature xmlns="">
         <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
         <SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
         <Reference URI="#G0xcabf5080-4D">
             <Transform Algorithm=""/>
             <Transform Algorithm=""/>
           <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>

All documentation I was able to find refer to using SignedXml class that is not available in .NET Core. Does anyone have suggestion or link to share how can I make this signature (and required canonicalization) without SignedXml class? Or maybe there is some unofficial version of SignedXml that I am not aware of?


  • SignedXml is in the tree at and presumably will be available with the upcoming 2.0 release (as a nuget package, not the shared framework bundle).

    It has a lot of dependencies on 2.0 types, so it would be difficult to try to port it back to 1.1; but maybe you could carve it down to your specific needs.

    Or, try with the 2.0 preview release and see if things just work.