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Writing tests for class using TableGateway ZF2/ZF3

I have a problem with making a test.

I have made a function in my class that counts all the rows in a database table. To access to the database i use Zend Frameworks TableGateway class. My problem is that i don't know how to write a test for the function.

One way to look on it is that the function is so simple that it needs no tests but it would be nice to know how i can make it work.

There is no function on the AbstractTableGateway that allow me to set the internal variable $adapter. How can i set the protected variable $adapter?


public function count()
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Count FROM ". $this->tableGateway->getTable();
    $statement = $this->tableGateway->adapter->query($sql);
    $result    = $statement->execute()->current();
    return $result['Count'];

Test for function

public function testCount()
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Count FROM DbTable";

    $result = $this->prophesize(Result::class);
    $result->current()->willReturn(["Count" => 10]);

    $statement = $this->prophesize(Statement::class);

    $adapter = $this->prophesize(Adapter::class);

    $this->tableGateway->adapter = $adapter;

    $this->assertSame(10, $this->DbTable->count());


  • TableGateway gets its adapter from constructor. Whatever factory creates TableGateway instance at your $this->tableGateway property, should pass your mock adapter (or real adapter if this is aimed as integration test) to its constructor.