I try to use Tree-shaking for Angular 2 app after AOT compilation, and I catch the next message:
'Containers/module.ngfactory' is imported by Containers\module.aot.js, but could not be resolved – treating it as an external dependency
No name was provided for external module 'Containers/module.ngfactory' in options.globals – guessing 'Containers_module_ngfactory'
And I don't know how to fix this.
this is module.aot.js code after AOT compilation:
import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
import { platformBrowser } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { ModuleNgFactory } from 'Containers/module.ngfactory';
//# sourceMappingURL=module.aot.js.map
'use strict';
import nodeResolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve'
import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs';
import uglify from 'rollup-plugin-uglify'
export default {
entry: './Containers/module.aot.js',
dest: './module.vendor.js',
sourceMap: false,
format: 'iife',
onwarn: function(warning) {
// Skip certain warnings
if ( warning.code === 'THIS_IS_UNDEFINED' ) { return; }
if ( warning.code === 'EVAL' ) { return; }
console.warn( warning.message );
plugins: [
nodeResolve({jsnext: true, module: true}),
include: 'node_modules/rxjs/**',
and tsconfig-aot.json
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"module": "es2015",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"sourceMap": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"lib": [ "es2015", "dom" ],
"noImplicitAny": true,
"suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true,
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"app/*": [ "../src/*" ]
"typeRoots": [
"files": [
"exclude": [
"angularCompilerOptions": {
"genDir": "../",
"skipMetadataEmit": false,
"skipTemplateCodegen": false
In general, AOT works fine, but I can't run to tree-shaking for a bundle my code to the one file.
Help me please resolve this problem.
It's problem just with the main module.aot.js file.
Any suggestion how to resolve this problem?
I have found solutions for this case. It's very simple, but I had spent for this many time :(
In the each an Angular components we need to put a correct patch to the other service, module, etc.
For example:
If we have a project structure like this:
| - service
| - authorize.service.ts
| - login
| - login.component.ts
then in the login.component.ts you would like to import authorize.service.ts from service folder, you need to put a patch to this service like this:
import { donothing } from '../service/authorize.service'
It's very strange but the Angular app with JIT or AOT works well if we put next path to this service:
import { donothing } from 'service/authorize.service'
And the second case it's path to some service, module, etc, which is situated in the current directory.
For example:
We have a project like previous but in the root folder we have helper.service.ts file.
If you try to include helper.service.ts in the main.ts like this:
import { donothing2 } from 'helper.service'
import { donothing2 } from '/helper.service'
It will be work with JIT and AOT but doesn't work when we a try to run Rollup for tree-shaking.
Solution very simple but for me it's strange.
We need to put .
before a file name, because without the .
it's treated as an external import.
import { donothing2 } from './helper.service'
I hope my answer will be helpful for someone.