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Extract single and double quotes urls from link using regex

I need to extract Twitter ids for a PHP script using regex. It works great as long as the URLs is coded with double quotes...

<a href=''>Twitter Single Quotes</a>
<a href="">Twitter Double Quotes</a>

// regular expression
/<a [^>]*\bhref\s*=\s*"\K[^"]*[^"]*/

I have tried using "|', ["']and many other things, that are not working. Would be very thankful, if you could help me with this. Thanks!


  • This is as fast as you can go. No capture group is needed.


    Pattern Demo

    Look for a single or double quote after href= then match everything that isn't a single or double quote. That is as simple as it can be made.

    p.s. If you are concerned with spaces near the = then use:

    href *= *['"]\K[^'"]+

    PHP Implementation (PHP Demo):

    $in='<a href=\'\'>Twitter Single Quotes</a>
    <a href="">Twitter Double Quotes</a>
    <a href=\'\'>Twitter Single Quotes</a>
    <a href="">Twitter Double Quotes</a>';
    $out=preg_match_all('/href *= *[\'"]\Khttps?:\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:'.implode('|',$companies).')\.com[^\'"]+/',$in,$out)?$out[0]:[];