Hi I have the following markup in my ionic2 app, using tabs template. I want an horizontal scroll bar for each zone.
<ion-item-group *ngFor="let zone of zones">
<ion-scroll scrollX="true">
ZONA: {{zone.zoneName}}
<ion-col col-4><h5>Equipo</h5></ion-col>
<ion-item *ngFor="let team of zone.zoneTeams">
<ion-col col-4>{{team.name}}</ion-col>
When adding the scroll tags I didn't see anything. Did I miss something? I'm working with the latest ionic I followed this link http://ionicframework.com/docs/api/components/scroll/Scroll/
When adding the scroll tags I didn't see anything
Ion Scroll requires to be provided with fixed dimensions either through style
or scss class.
<ion-scroll scrollX="true" style="width: 100vw;height: 50px;">
<!-- your scrollable content -->