Search code examples

Correct way to add robots.txt and hide it?

I have a secret folder on my hosting, which may not be seen by visitors. I've added a robots.txt to htdocs:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /super-private/

However, if a visitor goes to, he can see the name of the private folder. Is there anything to be done? Htaccess maybe?


  • robots.txt is not the solution here. All it does is tell things like search engine spiders that a particular URL should not be indexed; it doesn't prevent access.

    Put a .htaccess file in super-private containing the following:

    Deny From All

    Once you've done this, there's no need for robots.txt, as it'll be inaccessible anyway. If you want to allow access to certain people, then look into authentication with .htaccess.