Search code examples

Why Solr match data and count mismatch while using group.limit?

I am executing a SOLR Query where I group titles and limit the number of title in groups. The problem I face is I don't get an exact number of matches with the passed limit.



How do I convert this query so that I can fetch 10000 records at a time.

Currently the returned result:

     "q"=>"doc_type:Book AND engineering:true",
     "group.sort"=>"book_date desc",
           [{"book_code"=>"NYM", .... } and so on 

When I try to retrieve the count of the grouped books I get :

result["grouped"]["book_code"]["groups"].count #=> 276

Which does not match with the returned matches result.


  • matches is the total number of documents that matched your query. The ["groups"].count value is the number of distinct groups returned. I.e. the 30216 documents returned belongs to 276 different groups.