I have a secured service fabric cluster. The same certificate is being used as the server certificate and for client authentication. I am unable to create a FabricClient
in a console application that will allow me to connect to this cluster. I am using the code snippet documented here under "Connect to a secure cluster using a client certificate":
static void Main(string[] args)
string thumb = "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890";
string CommonName = "somefabric.cloudapp.azure.com";
string connection = "somefabric.cloudapp.azure.com:19000";
X509Credentials xc = GetCredentials(thumb, thumb, CommonName);
FabricClient fc = new FabricClient(xc, connection);
Console.WriteLine("Cluster is connected");
catch (Exception e)
static X509Credentials GetCredentials(string clientCertThumb, string serverCertThumb, string name)
X509Credentials xc = new X509Credentials();
// Client certificate
xc.StoreLocation = StoreLocation.CurrentUser;
xc.StoreName = "MY";
xc.FindType = X509FindType.FindByThumbprint;
xc.FindValue = clientCertThumb;
// Server certificate
xc.ProtectionLevel = ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign;
return xc;
This code results in
The X509 thumbprint specified is invalid.
It seems like the certificate does grant me access via other means. I am able to successfully view the Fabric Explorer and the following PowerShell command also connects to the cluster successfully
-ConnectionEndpoint somefabric.cloudapp.azure.com:19000
-FindType FindByThumbprint
-FindValue 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
-StoreLocation CurrentUser
-StoreName MY
-ServerCertThumbprint 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
What am I doing wrong here?
I fell over this exact problem but the cause was quite different.
I was confused in that;
I found out that there were 4 invisible characters appended to my thumbprint value, probably an artifact of a cut and paste operation. How, why? Dunno
I found that out only after i edited Deploy-FabricApplication to add this line.
Just before
[void](Connect-ServiceFabricCluster @ClusterConnectionParameters)
I then saw the invisible characters displayed as ???? at the end of the thumbprint.
Opening the Cloud.xml file with the Binary editor allowed me to see them and delete them.
Then I could publish my application.