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Angular2 HTTP Post - Hitting the Service but no payload

I am trying to post to my back end service to delete some records. Right now I can hit the controller method on the backed but the parameters are null. (Our backed is a .NET CORE API). I notice in the dev tools that when I make the call I am getting a 204 No Content message.

I am not sure if this is a problem with my back end or front end.

Component Method that initiates the post:

    delete(): void {
            .subscribe(s => { this.isSuccessful = s; },
            error => this.errorMessage = <any>error);   

API Call in Angular Service:

    deleteEmail(emails: IMutlipleDelete[]): Observable<boolean> {
        let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
        let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });

        return this.url, JSON.stringify({emailList:emails}), options)
            .map((response: Response) => <boolean>response.json())

^ Here, I have tried different content types, I read online that the COORS policy doesn't accept "application/json" as a content type, but even if I change the type, the same result occurs.

And lastly my back end Method: (This is were my parameter is null)

    public bool EmailDelete(string emailList)
        return _contactEmails.DeleteEmailRecords(emailList);

In my "DeleteEmailRecords" method would deserialize the json object into the model that I need to delete. However, it never gets there because my initial parameter emailList is null.

I've tried several different things with my back end method:

    public bool EmailDelete(string[] emailList)
        return _contactEmails.DeleteEmailRecords(emailList);

    public bool EmailDelete(EmailDeleteModel[] emailList)
        return _contactEmails.DeleteEmailRecords(emailList);

Where EmailDeleteModel is the same model as IMutlipleDelete ~ just called a different name on the back end.

Most recently I tried this:

    public bool EmailDelete([FromBody]EmailDeleteModel[] emailList)
        return _contactEmails.DeleteEmailRecords(emailList);

Still my parameter is not coming across, but am hitting the breakpoint in the method.

I've also tried different ways to set up my body, such as:

JSON.stringinfy(emailList:emailList); ~ and a ton of variations of this.

I also resorted to just try and passing a string as the emailList:

    let emails: string = "Dog";
    JSON.stringify({ emails})

But the 204 No Content is still an issue.

EDIT: Added a Console.Log(JSON.stringify({ emailList: emails }) (This is my IMultipleDelete) for clarity:

         "envelopeSalutation":"NANCY WALKOWIAK",

Is their just something I am missing? Or am I way off base?

Thanks for your help.


  • Change your API function signature to something like this:

    EmailDelete([FromBody]MutlipleDelete[] emailList)

    The [FromBody] is important here.

    And, You may want to change the post call back to the way you had it before, too.

    return this.url, JSON.stringify(emails), options)... 

    Don't wrap the value you're passing in an object ({...})