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Website (HTML/PHP) possible link to GraphDB?

In the course of a master's thesis I developed an ontology which I imported into Ontotext GraphDB. At this point I need to connect a website (HTML / PHP) with the ontology I imported into Ontotext GraphBD. My technical knowledge is not high so I wondered if it is possible to connect these two components and if yes how can I do it?

I have on one side a website and on the other an ontology in GraphDB. Now I need that in this website it is possible for example to do CRUD operations so that these operations are also done in the ontology that is in Ontotext GraphDB.

Example: Consult through my website all the individuals present in the ontology.

I in the Ontotext GraphDB workbench through the Sparql queries I get these operations, but I want to do it through the website that I'm doing in HTML, PHP and CSS.

Thanks for your attention.

Best regards


  • I think I solved my problem with this here.

    In general, you need to download Semsol's ARC2 library.

    Then you create the php file with a structure like this:

      /* ARC2 static class inclusion */ 
      $dbpconfig = array(
      "remote_store_endpoint" => "",
      $store = ARC2::getRemoteStore($dbpconfig); 
      if ($errs = $store->getErrors()) {
         echo "<h1>getRemoteSotre error<h1>" ;
      $query = '...';
      /* execute the query */
      $rows = $store->query($query, 'rows'); 
        if ($errs = $store->getErrors()) {
           echo "Query errors" ;
        /* display the results in an HTML table */
        echo "..." 

    I thank everyone who tried to help me.