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Pretty print discriminated unions

I have an Option type:

type Option<'a> =
    | Some of value:'a
    | None

type MyString = string

// Syntax
type type-name =
    | case-identifier1 [of [ fieldname1 : ] type1 [ * [ fieldname2 : ] type2 ...]
    | case-identifier2 [of [ fieldname3 : ] type3 [ * [ fieldname4 : ] type4 ...]

I want to print something with a format like this:

"type-name: case-identifier(fieldname1:type1:'value1', fieldname2:type2:'value2')"

// Example:
let a : Option<MyString> = Some "1"
print a -> "Option: Some(value:MyString:'1')"
let b = None
print b -> "Option: None"

I've asked a similar question before, but I still can't get the type-name and type of the field.


  • In your example, you will not be able to print MyString, because this is a type alias and type aliases do not have any representation in the compiled code (only in some additional F# meta-data, but that does not help here). So, in the compiled code, the runtime just sees string. I'm going to use a single-case DU instead:

    type Option<'a> =
        | Some of value:'a
        | None
    type MyString = 
        | MyString of string
        override x.ToString() = let (MyString s) = x in s
    let a = Some (MyString "1")
    let b = None

    A function that formats the DU values according to your example looks something like this:

    open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
    let formatUnion<'T> (value:'T) =
        let case, args = FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(value, typeof<'T>)
        let args = 
            [| for f, v in (case.GetFields()) args ->
                 sprintf "%s:%s='%O'" f.Name  f.PropertyType.Name v |]
        sprintf "%s: %s(%s)" (typeof<'T>.Name) case.Name (String.concat "," args)

    This prints "Option'1: Some(value:MyString='1')" - aside from the backtick-one that is there because the type Option is generic, this looks like the thing you wanted - I did not do anything clever to handle nested types, so that's one thing you'll still need to add.