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How can I debug multiple charger plug/unplug cycles?

I need to stop and then start (restart) my MainService when the user plugs in the phone's charger. To do this, I have a so-called GodService that registers a receiver for the ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED intent, and then I restart MainService within that BroadcastReceiver.

I can post the code to that if necessary, but that seems to work fine, since, as soon as I start debugging I'm charging, and I can step through and see MainService get stopped and restarted.

My question is, how can I test this multiple times in a row (which I need to do), since I'll have to unplug the device, thus stopping my debugging session. I'm sure there must be a way to debug the charging port removal, but I must not be searching with the correct terms.


  • You can actually simulate the phone disconnect and reconnect via ADB. Here is the relevant code:

    Prior to Android 6+:

    Disconnect USB

    $ adb shell dumpsys battery set usb 0

    Re-connect USB

    $ adb shell dumpsys battery set usb 1

    For Android 6+:

    Disconnect USB

    $ adb shell dumpsys battery unplug

    Re-connect USB

    $ adb shell dumpsys battery reset


    Found a nice tuturial on how to mock different battery statuses.