Hey I am having issues with the Telerik Grid. As you can see there is a checkbox as a template embeded in my grid.
The problem is that with the template shown above, I can't get the cell to edit when I click on the checkbox shown by the template. Instead, I have to click somewhere else in the cell to enable 'editing' of the cell and then the default editor is showed and I can change the text box.
How can I have a checkbox display that allows the user to perform 'incell' editing with a checkbox and not have the odd behavior of having to click somewhere in the cell (but not on the checkbox) to enable edit mode before the checkbox can be modified?
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(kunde => kunde.Name);
columns.Bound(kunde => kunde.Street);
columns.Bound(kunde => kunde.Erledigt).ClientTemplate(
"<input type='checkbox' disabled='disabled'" +
"# if (Erledigt) { #" +
"checked='checked'" +
"# } #" +
The following JS fiddle shows the problem:
If you assign a class name to your checkbox column, you could hook up a click event which handles all clicks on the element with the same class name.
For example your ClientTemplate
would become:
.ClientTemplate("<input type='checkbox' #= Erledigt ? checked='checked' : checked='' # class='checkboxColumn' />");
And inside your script, hook up the click event with the following:
$(function () {
$('#NameOfYourGrid').on('click', '.checkboxColumn', function () {
var checked = $(this).is(':checked');
var grid = $('#NameOfYourGrid').data().kendoGrid;
var dataItem = grid.dataItem($(this).closest('tr'));
var col = $(this).closest('td');
dataItem.set(grid.columns[col.index()].field, checked);
Note: For this to work, you will need to assign a Name
attribute to your grid, if you have no already done so e.g.:
.Columns(columns => ... columnDefinition