I have hundreds of lists (each list corresponds to 1 person). Each list contains 100 strings, which are the 100 friends of that person.
I want to 3D visualize this people network based on the number of common friends they have. Considering any 2 lists, the more same strings they have, the closer they should appear together in this 3D graph. I wanted to show each list as a dot on the 3D graph without nodes/connections between the dots.
For brevity, I have included only 3 people here.
person1 = ['mike', 'alex', 'arker','locke','dave','david','ross','rachel','anna','ann','darl','carl','karle']
person2 = ['mika', 'adlex', 'parker','ocke','ave','david','rosse','rachel','anna','ann','darla','carla','karle']
person3 = ['mika', 'alex', 'parker','ocke','ave','david','rosse','ross','anna','ann','darla','carla','karle', 'sasha', 'daria']
Gephi Setup steps:
and then start itWorkspace1
Graph Streaming
tab that then appears configure server to use http
and port 8080
Python steps:
package (pip install gephistreamer
)Copy the following python cod to something like friends.py
from gephistreamer import graph
from gephistreamer import streamer
import random as rn
stream = streamer.Streamer(streamer.GephiWS(hostname="localhost",port=8080,workspace="workspace1"))
szfak = 100 # this scales up everything - somehow it is needed
cdfak = 3000
nodedict = {}
def addfnode(fname):
# grab the node out of the dictionary if it is there, otherwise make a newone
if (fname in nodedict):
nnode = nodedict[fname]
nnode = graph.Node(fname,size=szfak,x=cdfak*rn.random(),y=cdfak*rn.random(),color="#8080ff",type="f")
nodedict[fname] = nnode # new node into the dictionary
return nnode
def addnodes(pname,fnodenamelist):
pnode = graph.Node(pname,size=szfak,x=cdfak*rn.random(),y=cdfak*rn.random(),color="#ff8080",type="p")
for fname in fnodenamelist:
fnode = addfnode(fname)
pfedge = graph.Edge(pnode,fnode,weight=rn.random())
person1friends = ['mike','alex','arker','locke','dave','david','ross','rachel','anna','ann','darl','carl','karle']
person2friends = ['mika','adlex','parker','ocke','ave','david','rosse','rachel','anna','ann','darla','carla','karle']
person3friends = ['mika','alex','parker','ocke','ave','david','rosse','ross','anna','ann','darla','carla','karle','sasha','daria']
Run it with the command python friends.py
You should see all the nodes appear. There are then lots of ways you can lay it out to make it look better, I am using the Force Atlas
layouter here and you can see the parameters I am using on the left.
Some notes:
on the bottom status/control bar.Window/Data Table
.This will get you started (as you asked), but for your particular problem:
This is running on Windows 10 using Anaconda 4.4.1 and Python 3.5.2 and Gephi 0.9.1.