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How to run Apache Storm in Single Node on Windows OS

How to run Apache Storm in Single Node on Windows OS? Can anyone provide a link for that?


  • Install Java

    Download and install a JDK (Storm works with both Oracle and OpenJDK 6/7). For this setup I used JDK 7 from Oracle.

    I installed Java in:


    Install Python

    To test the installation, we’ll be deploying the “word count” sample from the storm-starter project which uses a multi-lang bolt written in python. I used python 2.7.6 which can be downloaded here.

    I installed python in:


    Install and Run Zookeeper

    Download Apache Zookeeper 3.3.6 and extract it. Configure and run Zookeeper with the following commands:

    > cd zookeeper-3.3.6
    > copy conf\zoo_sample.cfg conf\zoo.cfg
    > .\bin\zkServer.cmd

    Install Storm

    The changes that allow Storm to run seamlessly on Windows have not been officially released yet, but you can download a build with those changes incorporated here.

    (Source branch for that build can be found here).

    Extract that file to the location of your choice. I chose C:.

    Configure Environment Variables

    On Windows Storm requires the STORM_HOME and JAVA_HOME environment variables to be set, as well as some additions to the PATH variable:

    PATH: (add)
    PATHEXT: (add)

    Start Nimbus, Supervisor, and Storm UI Daemons

    For each deamon open a separate command prompt.


    cd %STORM_HOME% storm nimbus Supervisor

    cd %STORM_HOME% storm supervisor Storm UI

    cd %STORM_HOME% storm ui Verify that Storm is running by opening http://localhost:8080/ in a browser.

    Deploy the “Word Count” Topology

    Either build the storm-starter project from source, or download a pre-built jar

    Deploy the Word Count topology to your local cluster with the storm jar command:

    storm jar storm-starter-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar storm.starter.WordCountTopology WordCount -c