Searched the whole web for this with no solution...
I want to take a picture with the iphone camera and then be able to send it out via MMS/E-Mail. This doesn't have to happen in my app, but at least I'd like to be able to call the MMS/E-Mail app and make it select the taken (and stored) picture.
When I use the built-in Photo-Album app, every picture has a button on the lower left corner which let's me share/print the actual photo...
So I kinda hope I'll be able to build something like that into my app...?
Any ideas?
Thanks for the answers so far.
Meanwhile, I found out that I could at least send E-Mails and SMS's from within the «MessageUI»-Framework. However, it seems that I can't add an image to the message-body of an SMS (damn)...
You cannot fire an MMS/SMS programatically. You will need to hand over control to the UIImagePickerController and set its sourceType field to PhotoLibrary.
Cheers Naren