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How can I save my multiple lm summary output to a data frame or csv?

I am trying to save the summary outputs of a lm into a data frame, "csv" or "txt" file. What I wanted to do is to use a lm (and eventually glm) with different dependent variables, but the same independent variables.

This is my code using lapply for model fitting:

varlist <- names(NDVI)[2:244]

models <- lapply(varlist, function(x) {
lm(substitute(i ~ efectohuracan, list(i =, data = NDVI)})

If I save it as


I get this error

Error in[[i]], optional = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = 
stringsAsFactors) : cannot coerce class ""lm"" to a data.frame

I am very new in R. The code I made it thanks to people who has posted their problems also in this community, so maybe there are better ways to approach this.

Thank you in advance


  • Sorry I wrongly closed this as a dupe at the beginning. Thanks to my friend for reopening it.

    For "mlm" model class this is very efficient.

    First, you need to Fitting a linear model with multiple LHS

    Then let fit be your fitted model object (of "mlm" and "lm" class), extract its coefficients by

    beta <- coef(summary(fit))

    This is a list of coefficient tables.

    Then, let's collapse it into a data frame:

    tab <-, beta)

    Now you just write this data frame into a "csv" file as usual.

    As a quick test, you can use the toy dataset provided in the linked thread.