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Strange process running cause high 100% CPU usage

I am having problem with strange Process running by user Postgres:

Htop showing

I had tried killing it in htop (SIGTERM), but it then restarted immediately. It only stopped when I removed the execution file /tmp/suhahoi.

But the next day, the strange file was automatically created and ran again. Below is the chart from google cloud showing the high CPU usage: Google cloud high CPU usage

Does anyone know what it is and how I can prevent this from happening? Thank you!


  • Your server seems to be hacked. It appears to be downloading and running an executable file called suhahoi.

    The htop command shows the arguments given to this executable file. The arguments seem to be base64 encoded. You can try to base64 decode the argument.

    I suggest you install an anti virus script such as ClamAV and also anti malware script such as rkhunter. If that does not fix your problem, then you should reinstall your server.