This one should be extremely easy but I am new to VB script and for some reason I can't get a subroutine to work. I get the error " VBScript compilation error"
it points to line 5 Sub add(a,b)
Sub CATmain()
add 5, 3
Sub add (a, b)
msgbox sum
End Sub
End Sub
Sorry for the simple question. Thanks for your time.
One Subroutine or a Function should be defined outside any other Subroutines and it should be called from main Subroutine when needed.
Function Add(A, B)
Add = CInt(A) + CInt(B)
End Function
'Here Add should be a Function, not a Subroutine.
Sub CATmain()
Dim Sum
Sum = Add(5, 3)
'Calling Add and store its result in Sum Variable
MsgBox "Sum: " + CStr(Sum)
End Sub
'Calling your main Subroutine CATmain
is used to declare the name, arguments, and code that form the body of a Sub procedure in VB Script.