I have a TSQL script that selects data and generates an email. My script is quite complex but I have cut it down to a simple example to demonstrate my problem.
In simple terms when one of my fields go over a particular length (21 characters) the CR and LF I have inserted into the VAR_Body variable go missing. The text from the field is not truncated.
Renewal Date= 23 Jun 2017
Existing Insurer= 1234567890123456789012
Existing Insurer ID= 6007
Renewal Date= 23 Jun 2017
Existing Insurer= 1234567890123456789012 Existing Insurer ID= 6007
If I take one character of the Existing Insurer string it works.
Here is my cut down code to demo the problem.
Does anyone have any ideas what is going on here?
I have run out of things to try.
-- Email Variables
Declare @VAR_Dest_EmailAddress varchar(150)
set @VAR_Dest_EmailAddress = 'myemail@email.com.au'
Declare @VAR_Subject varchar(100)
Declare @VAR_Body varchar(1000)
-- Format Variables
Declare @DateDisplayFormat int
Set @DateDisplayFormat = 106 -- DD MMM YYYY eg 25 MAY 2017
Declare @MoneyDisplayFormat int
set @MoneyDisplayFormat = 1 -- Commas every three digits and two digits to the right of the decimal point.
-- Data variables
Declare @sPlanNumber varchar(10)
Declare @dRenewal datetime
Declare @sExistingInsurer varchar(50)
Declare @lExistingInsurerID int
-- Set the Variables
Set @sPlanNumber = '12345'
Set @dRenewal = '2017-06-23 00:00:00.000'
set @sExistingInsurer = '1234567890123456789012'
set @lExistingInsurerID = '6007'
-- Set the body of the email
set @VAR_Body = 'Renewal Date= ' + Convert(varchar(11),@dRenewal,@DateDisplayFormat) + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10)
set @VAR_Body = @VAR_Body + 'Existing Insurer= ' + @sExistingInsurer + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
set @VAR_Body = @VAR_Body + 'Existing Insurer ID= ' + Convert(varchar(10),@lExistingInsurerID) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
-- Send the email
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@recipients = @VAR_Dest_EmailAddress,
@subject = @sPlanNumber,
@body = @VAR_BODY,
@profile_name = 'SQL Email Profile' ;
If you have no requirement around email format (TEXT vs HTML) you could use HTML formatting for your email. You can then use <br/>
and other html tags to format the email.
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@recipients = @VAR_Dest_EmailAddress,
@subject = @sPlanNumber,
@body = @VAR_BODY,
@body_format = 'HTML' --declare the body formatting of the email to be HTML
@profile_name = 'SQL Email Profile' ;
You can then format your email :
set @VAR_Body = 'Renewal Date= ' + Convert(varchar(11),@dRenewal,@DateDisplayFormat) + '<br/>'
--we can now use the html break character which will be rendered by all email clients
set @VAR_Body = @VAR_Body + 'Existing Insurer= ' + @sExistingInsurer + '<br/>'
set @VAR_Body = @VAR_Body + 'Existing Insurer ID= ' + Convert(varchar(10),@lExistingInsurerID) + '<br/>'
Reference can be found in the MSDN docs here