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How to minify files using only uglifyjs?

I have tried to minify javascript files using uglifyjs, but it's only outputting the file name in the file output.min.js followed by a semicolon and it's telling me that "File was successfully saved."; Not the minified code of the js file geolocation.service.js. Could anyone please help? The code below is saved in a file that I named uglifyjs. I used $node uglifyjs.js to run the file.

var fs = require('fs');

var uglifyjs = require('uglify-js');

var result = uglifyjs.minify(["geolocation.service.js"]);


fs.writeFile("output.min.js", result.code, function(err) {
    if(err) {
    } else {
        console.log("File was successfully saved.");


  • The API is minify(code) not minify(file paths)

    uglifyjs.minify(fs.readFileSync('geolocation.service.js', 'utf8'))