I'm basically trying to override a bunch of default values in a record only if the user-specific values are NOT Nothing
. Is it possible to do it via lenses?
import qualified Data.Default as DD
instance DD.Def Nouns where
def = Nouns
-- default values for each field come here
lookupHStore :: HStoreList -> Text -> Maybe Text
mkNounsFromHStoreList :: HStoreList -> Nouns
mkNounsFromHStoreList h = (DD.def Nouns)
& depSingular .~ (lookupHStore h "dep_label_singular")
-- ERROR: Won't compile because Text and (Maybe Text) don't match
You could make your own combinator:
(~?) :: ASetter' s a -> Maybe a -> s -> s
s ~? Just a = s .~ a
s ~? Nothing = id
Which you can use just like .~
mkNounsFromHStoreList :: HStoreList -> Nouns
mkNounsFromHStoreList h =
& myNoun1 ~? lookupHStore h "potato"
& myNoun2 ~? lookupHStore h "cheese"