This code:
$concerningMachines = @()
foreach($aMachine in $machineRecords.GetEnumerator())
if($aMachine.Value.ReviewScore -gt $averageAboveAverage)
$machine = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$machine | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name MachineName -Value $aMachine.Key
$machine | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ManagedBy -Value $aMachine.Value.ManagedBy
$machine | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LastLogin -Value $aMachine.Value.LastLogin
$machine | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ReviewScore -Value ($aMachine.Value.ReviewScore / $averageAboveAverage * 100)
$concerningMachines += $machine
Export-Csv -InputObject $concerningMachines -Path C:\DG\ConcerningMachines.csv -NoTypeInformation
Produces this .csv file:
"Count","Length","LongLength","Rank","SyncRoot","IsReadOnly","IsFixedSize","IsSynchronized" "43","43","43","1","System.Object[]","False","True","False"
...Which is the properties of the array, and not the members of the array. Googling the only advice I find seems to either implement a solution that entire ignores Export-Csv, is dealing with strings (which while collections of characters, the solutions aren't applicable) or appear to be doing exactly what I'm already doing but produce a valid CSV file (I can find some links if needed, but they're forum conversations, not explicit guides).
How do you properly export an array of PSObjects into a CSV files, and avoid the above unintended output?
Use a pipeline to provide the input:
$concerningMachines| Export-Csv -Path C:\DG\ConcerningMachines.csv -NoTypeInformation
When you pass the same input to -InputObject
, it is indeed the array as a whole that is interpreted as a single object to export.
This behavior affects all cmdlets and is apparently as designed:
InputObject is a single object to be processed. When used in a pipeline, InputObject is bound to each element in the pipeline and processed one at a time. If InputObject was processed as a collection, then each item from the pipeline would also be processed as a collection.
There are cmdlets where this behavior is useful: Get-Member
, for instance, allows you to use -InputObject
to inspect the type of a collection as a whole, whereas pipeline input inspects each element of the collection.
Neither Export-Csv
nor ConvertTo-Csv
fall into that category, and even though Get-Help ExportCsv
currently misleadingly describes the -InputObject
parameter thus (emphasis added):
Specifies the objects to export as CSV strings. Enter a variable that contains the objects or type a command or expression that gets the objects. You can also pipe objects to Export-CSV.
The pragmatic conclusion is to always use the pipeline (unless you truly want to pass a collection as a whole).
For a general discussion of this behavior, see GitHub issue #4242.