I am trying to access my tensorflow serving model which has a signature as can be seen from this code segment:
regression_signature = predict_signature_def(
inputs={"phase_features" : phase_features},
outputs={"phase_weight": phase_weight}
signature_def_map={'regress_phase_weight': regression_signature})
It is loaded in tf serving using a model config file with the following content:
model_config_list: {
config: {
name: "PhaseModificationWeightRegressor",
base_path: "../../models/phase-mod-weights",
model_platform: "tensorflow"
Now I am trying to create a request from Java based on the TensorFlow API and TensorFlow Serving API protos:
tensorflow.serving.Model.ModelSpec.Builder modelSped = ModelSpec.newBuilder()
.setName("PhaseModificationWeightRegressor") // name as defined in the tensorflow serving model config file
.setSignatureName("regress_phase_weight") // signature name as defined in signature_def_map of add_meta_graph_and_variables of your SavedModelBuilder
.setVersion(Int64Value.newBuilder().setValue(1)); // model version as indicated by the version of your model when saving it
tensorflow.serving.Predict.PredictRequest.Builder requestBuilder = PredictRequest.newBuilder()
.putInputs("phase_features", createTensorProto(phaseFeatures));
return requestBuilder.build();
Unfortunately I get an exception:
Exception in thread "main" io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: INVALID_ARGUMENT: input tensor alias not found in signature: phase_features
From what I understand, this means it reached the server, FOUND my model named "PhaseModificationWeightRegressor" in version 1, FOUND the signature named "regress_phase_weight", but could not find the logical name (alias) "phase_features" which leads to the appropriate placeholder. Anything else that could be the problem? I am eye-balling this now since 2 hours but can not see the problem/typo etc. that makes this not work.
Any idea what could be wrong? How can I debug this any better? Maybe in the future, TFserving should answer what it expects instead.
I resolved with:
.putInputs("inputs", createTensorProto(phaseFeatures));
It seems to that the alias to be used from the client is exactly "inputs"
, while the python code remains the same.
With this modification my code works.
UPDATE: I tested it also with a model with multiple (two) inputs. In this case, you should use the alias you are using while exporting the model.