I have a program which processes a text log file and tokenizes the text files.
After tokenizing the text file, the program should be able to skip the first 5 lines of the new output which contains
"RipXP v.20081001
Launched Fri Dec 3 12:50:21 2010 Z
Can someone please advise on the codes?
The Codes:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Testing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
TextReader tr = new StreamReader(@"C:\Test\new.txt");
String SplitBy = "----------------------------------------";
String fullLog = tr.ReadToEnd();
String[] sections = fullLog.Split(new string[] { SplitBy }, StringSplitOptions.None);
foreach (String r in sections)
An Sample of the output:
"RipXP v.20081001 Launched Fri Dec 3 12:50:21 2010 Z
J:\syscrawl\registry\config\system USBStor ControlSet001\Enum\USBStor
CdRom&Ven_SanDisk&Prod_Ultra_Backup&Rev_8.32 [Wed Dec 1 07:39:09 2010 S/N: 2584820A2890B317&1 [Wed Dec 1 07:39:22 2010] FriendlyName : SanDisk Ultra Backup USB Device
CdRom&Ven_WD&Prod_Virtual_CD_070A&Rev_1032 [Wed Dec 1 07:31:33 2010] S/N: 575836314331304639303339&1 [Fri Dec 3 05:41:48 2010] FriendlyName : WD Virtual CD 070A USB Device
Disk&Ven_SanDisk&Prod_Ultra_Backup&Rev_8.32 [Wed Dec 1 07:39:09 2010] S/N: 2584820A2890B317&0 [Wed Dec 1 07:39:19 2010] FriendlyName : SanDisk Ultra Backup USB Device ParentIdPrefix: 8&2f23e350&0
Disk&Ven_WD&Prod_My_Passport_070A&Rev_1032 [Wed Dec 1 07:31:33 2010] S/N: 575836314331304639303339&0 [Fri Dec 3 05:41:48 2010] FriendlyName : WD My Passport 070A USB Device
Other&Ven_WD&Prod_SES_Device&Rev_1032 [Wed Dec 1 07:31:33 2010] S/N: 575836314331304639303339&2 [Fri Dec 3 05:41:48 2010]
Restore Point Info Description : System Checkpoint Type : System Checkpoint Creation Time : Mon Nov 29 16:51:52 2010
ControlSet001\Enum\USBStor not found.
The answer was the Stream Reader which should start reading the various line position before using the split method. The codes: C# How to skip number of lines while reading text file using Stream Reader?