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How do I code Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) output with SAS Enterprise Guide 6.1?

The title says it all. I have used the OUTPUTFMT=SVG in the ODS GRAPHICS statement without any problems in Base SAS, but this methods seems not to be appropriate for SAS Enterprise Guide.


  • If you look in the log you will see the issue:

    27         ods graphics on / OUTPUTFMT=SVG;
    29         proc reg data=test;
    30         model y=x;
    31         run;
    WARNING: SASREPORT13 destination does not support SVG images. Using the default static format.

    So it is the default output type that EG produces that is the problem. You can see that in the log as well:

    15         ODS tagsets.sasreport13(ID=EGSR) FILE=EGSR
    16             STYLE=HtmlBlue
    17             STYLESHEET=(URL="file:///C:/Program%20Files/SASHome/SASEnterpriseGuide/7.1/Styles/HtmlBlue.css")
    18             NOGTITLE
    19             NOGFOOTNOTE
    20             GPATH=&sasworklocation
    21             ENCODING=UTF8
    22             options(rolap="on")
    23         ;

    Got to Tools->Options. In the window select "Results General" and change to HTML as your results format.

    Now when you run the code, you get HTML and SVG files produced. They will be in the GPATH location defined.

    It does not look like the SAS HTML viewer is capable of displaying the SVG files. You will have to download them yourself and look at them.

    NOTE: I'm using EG 7.1, but the file menu choices should be very similar.