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Where is Vaadin 8 built app (WAR file or other artifacts) being stored in IntelliJ 2017?

When creating a Vaadin app via the simple Maven archetype:

mvn -B archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.vaadin -DarchetypeArtifactId=vaadin-archetype-application -DarchetypeVersion=8.0.6 -DgroupId=org.test -DartifactId=vaadin-app -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT

…and running via the bundled Jetty servlet container, where is my built web app being stored? Is there a WAR file being generated? If so, where?

I am using Java 8 Update 131 on macOS Sierra 10.12.5 with IntelliJ 2017.1.3.


  • In target folder after mvn install

    After you execute mvn install in Maven, a .war file can be found in the "target" folder.

    For example… See this screenshot of a project named TryAgain where the folder target contains the WAR file named tryagain-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war.

    Screenshot of a .war file found inside the folder named "target".