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Wordpress image slider not working

Php image slider not working and I need help. The website is and the line of code that is not working is Can anyone help?


  • I have inspected your slider and found that the source of image is not properly displayed through code.

    Please see the attachment : Attachment

    If your image is displayed then kindly, the slider should work.

    Your code:

    if( have_rows('slides') ): ?> 
    <div class="row slider-container"> 
        <ul class="bxslider"> 
        <?php while ( have_rows('slides') ) : the_row(); ?> 
                <img src="?php the_sub_field('slider_image'); ?" width="1170" height=""/> 
                 <?php if( get_sub_field('slider_title') || get_sub_field('slider_paragraph') ): ?>

    You have mistake in

    SO, working code will be:

    if( have_rows('slides') ): ?> 
    <div class="row slider-container"> 
        <ul class="bxslider"> 
        <?php while ( have_rows('slides') ) : the_row(); ?> 
                <img src="<?php the_sub_field('slider_image'); ?>" width="1170" height=""/> 
                 <?php if( get_sub_field('slider_title') || get_sub_field('slider_paragraph') ): ?>

    Hope it will work now

    Thank You