I input Ctrl - D (EOF) when called scanf(), then next scanf ignored.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int input;
scanf("%d", &input);//I press Ctrl-D when this line
scanf("%d", &input);//this line just passed. not read my input. why?
return 0;
I want get input with scanf() second called. What's is a problem?
it seems that your code is OK. The only think is to remember to press "return" at the end of both input number. I rewrite your code in a "better" way:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int input1,input2;
printf("Digit the first number: ");
scanf("%i", &input1);//Press return at the end
printf("Digit the second number: ");
scanf("%i", &input2);//Press return at the end
return 0;