Is there a way to pull ALL the docstrings from the following module main
, including the docstrings of module nested
, which reside inside module main
, without already knowing what modules are inside module main
"This is Module main"
module main
"This is fA()"
fA(x) = x
"This is module nested"
module nested
"This is fB()"
fB(x) = x
I can get the docstrings for module main
and module nested
, assuming I already know that module nested
exists inside module main
? main
This is Module main
? main.nested
This is Module nested
I am familiar with names()
, which helps, but not that much in its simplest incantation:
names(main, all = true)
7-element Array{Symbol,1}:
Interpreting the output of names()
is not easy: it's not obvious that nested
is a module inside main
The question is not entirely clear, but here is some useful code:
# check if a symbol is a nested module
issubmodule(m::Module, s::Symbol) = isa(eval(m,s),Module) && module_name(m) != s
# get a list of all submodules of module m
submodules(m) = filter(x->issubmodule(m,x),names(m,true))
# get a list of all docstring bindings in a module
allbindings(m) = [ [y[2].data[:binding] for y in x[2].docs]
for x in eval(m,Base.Docs.META)]
# recursively get all docstrings from a module and submodules
function alldocs(m)
thedocs = map(x->Base.Docs.doc(x[1]),allbindings(m))
return vcat(thedocs,map(x->alldocs(eval(m,x)),submodules(m))...)
Now you have:
julia> alldocs(main)
This is fA()
This is Module main
This is module nested
This is fB()
Hope this helps.