I am trying the automate the build process of Xcode
using ant scripts. I used the security import command with -A and -T to import the certificates.
Command which I used to import the certificate
security import <PATH till the certificate> -k <PATH of keychain> -t priv -P <password> -T <codeSigning Path> -T <Xcode.app Path> -A
But still when I run the xcodeBuild
command to archive the build, it pops up a pop which asks for the permission to access the key chain
ask for the permission to access the key chain
Please post as soon as you see this post.
It's Working fine
If its default login keychain the above command will work. If you have created the login keychain then some times code sign will ask for permission.Solution for this restore your login keychain to default version by taking a backup of all the certificates from the login keychain.