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Get enumerated values with a reasoner

Assumedly I have a data property named fooType with 2 possible values {"Low", "High"}:

    <DataProperty IRI="#fooType"/>
        <Literal datatypeIRI="">Low</Literal>
        <Literal datatypeIRI="">High</Literal>

How can I use owlapi and a reasoner to:

  1. Get all ranges of data property fooType (gets "Low" and "High")
  2. Get all fooType values of a given individual?

So far I've tried and stucked:

// 1. How to get "Low" and "High" strings in the next step?
OWLDataProperty dataProperty = ...
Set<OWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom> dataPropertyRangeAxioms = ontology.getDataPropertyRangeAxioms(dataProperty);

// 2. How to get fooType's values in the next step?
OWLIndividual individual = ...
Set<OWLLiteral> literals = reasoner.getDataPropertyValues(individual, dataProperty);


  • A reasoner is not necessary to list all enumerated values - for example, it will not list values that are not used but allowed to be used in the enumeration.

    To access all ranges and their components:

    OWLOntology o = ...
    OWLDataProperty p = ...
        .forEach((OWLDataRange range) -> 
            // this is where you can visit all ranges
            // using an OWLDataRangeVisitor