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Jenkins : use Execute Windows Batch command to run GIT commands : change user

I have spent a lot of time on this. This is not a duplicate of the cygwin post that is first on google search.

Normal GIT Repo works with credentials - I have many projects on Jenkins, using GIT, and they all work fine. These repo's take the repository URL and credentials and branch, and obviously uses GIT to operate.

Now, I need to execute a GIT command. It is a simple git tfs pull and git push.

When I run these commands in console, it works fine. When I put it into a batch file and execute it myself, it runs fine. When I run the commands in "Execute Windows Batch command", then it hangs and does not execute.

I suspect it requires credentials. I do not know how to send the credentials for the batch command.

I have run the set command, and can confirm that the user that is running during Jenkins execution, is not the same user when I run in command prompt.

How do I set the user to run this batch command as?


  • By default, Git for Windows will use as credential manager the Credential Manager of Windows, through the Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows.

    Check the output of

    cd /path/to/repo
    git config credential.helper

    This is using credentials cached for a given user. One alternative would be to set those credentials in a simple text file (for testing): See "Git Tools - Credential Storage".

    cd /path/to/repo
    git config credential.helper store --file /path/to/repo/.git/.my-credentials

    That way, any user in that repo would use the right credentials.