I am trying to replace the first occurrence of '-'
in a string in Hive table. I am using HiveQL. I searched this topic here and other websites, but could not find clear explanation how to use metacharacters with regexp_replace()
to do that.
This is a string from which I need to replace first '-' with empty space: 16-001-02707
The result should be like this: 16001-02707
This is the method I used:
select regexp_replace ('16-001-02707','[^[:digit:]]', '');
However, this doesn't do anything.
select regexp_replace ('16-001-02707','^(.*?)-', '$1');
Following the OP question in the comments
with t as (select '111-22-333333-4-555-6-7-8888-999999' as col)
select regexp_replace (col,'^(.*?)-','$1')
,regexp_replace (col,'^(.*?-.*?)-','$1')
,regexp_replace (col,'^((.*?-){2}.*?)-','$1')
,regexp_replace (col,'^((.*?-){3}.*?)-','$1')
,regexp_replace (col,'^((.*?-){4}.*?)-','$1')
,regexp_replace (col,'^((.*?-){5}.*?)-','$1')
from t
| _c0 | _c1 | _c2 | _c3 | _c4 | _c5 |
| 11122-333333-4-555-6-7-8888-999999 | 111-22333333-4-555-6-7-8888-999999 | 111-22-3333334-555-6-7-8888-999999 | 111-22-333333-4555-6-7-8888-999999 | 111-22-333333-4-5556-7-8888-999999 | 111-22-333333-4-555-67-8888-999999 |