Due to Python's pandas_datareader API no longer being able to extract Yahoo finance stock data, I'm using quandl. This requires setting up an account and doing a 'pip install quandl' in the command terminal. If I have an unusual stock ticker, like say BRK.B, using the pandas_datareader API to extract stock data from Google works perfectly fine.
import pandas as pd
import datetime
from pandas_datareader import data, wb
start = datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1)
end = datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1)
brk = data.DataReader("BRK.B", "google", start, end)["Close"]
However, this won't work with quandl due to the stock ticker, BRK.B having a full-stop inside it.
import quandl
brk = ["BRK.B"]
for stk in brk:
b = quandl.get("WIKI/{}".format(stk),
authtoken = "Mixture of numbers, and lower/upper case letters",
start, end)["Adj. Close"]
This causes the code to break. However, if I swap ["BRK.B"] for any normal stock ticker, say ["AAPL"], it works perfectly fine.
I'd like to extract all 505 stock from the S&P 500 using the quandl API, however, because some stock tickers have a "." in them, it won't work.
I've tried format(stk.replace(".", "-"))
and that didn't work either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. BTW, for those who don't know. You have to set up a quandl account, then get your API key code from your quandl account settings, then copy and paste it as your authtoken.
Did you try to replace it with underscore maybe?
"WIKI/{}".format(stk.replace(".", "_")) # replacing . with _ instead of -
If I remember correctly, dot is used to slice the specific column from data.