I built a helper class that would construct a custom class via templates, this custom class must inherit from a certain class, I can check for this with std::is_base_of
However I also need to check that the inheritance is public, how can this be achieved?
For reference, here is a stripped down version of the class, I have the std::is_base_of
in there.
template<class CustomSink>
class Sink
static_assert(std::is_base_of<BaseSink, CustomSink>::value, "CustomSink must derive from BaseSink");
//Some static assert here to check if custom sink has publicly inherited BaseSink
template<class... Args>
Sink(Args&&... args)
Thanks to both Quentin and cpplearner for pointing me in the right direction. I found Quentins answer worked fine if the assert should pass, but on a failed case the static_assert would not catch the error, instead it would be generated inside the template, removing the benefit of the clear static_assert
Then cpplearner mentioned std::is_convertible
which I had tried to use before but had forgotten about needing the *
, also the B and D seemed to be the wrong way round.
All of this lead me to creating:
static_assert(std::is_convertible<Derived*, Base*>::value, "Derived must inherit Base as public");
Which seems to do the job, below is the full code as a complete example.
#include <type_traits>
class Base { };
class Derived : Base { };
class DerivedWithPublic : public Base { };
int main() {
static_assert(std::is_convertible<DerivedWithPublic*, Base*>::value, "Class must inherit Base as public");
static_assert(std::is_convertible<Derived*, Base*>::value, "Derived must inherit Base as public");