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How to download Solr collection config from zookeeper

I have a collection in solrcloud which had been created using zookeeper managed configuration and I want all collection configuration files which were used to create the collection. Here are the options I found:

  1. Copy manually all files from Solrcloud UI.


  2. Download files from zookeeper

    /opt/solr/server/scripts/cloud-scripts/ -cmd downconfig -zkhost <zk hosts>/usecasedir -confname <configuration name> -confdir <dir to download>

2nd option would save my lot of time but the problem here my zookeeper has huge list of configurations and I am not sure which configuration directory was used to create collection.

Is there any way to figure out which collection configuration was used to create collection?


  • the info of what config was used to create a collection is stored in zk itself. Some bash scripting (using the great jq utility) is enough to do what you need:

    1. find what config was used for the given XXX collection:

      CONFIGNAME=$(curl -L -s "http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/zookeeper?detail=true&path=/collections/XXX" | jq '' | cut -d ":" -f2 | tr -d '}"\\') 
    2. now download the config:

      /opt/solr/bin/solr zk downconfig -n $CONFIGNAME -d config$CONFIGNAME -z localhost:2181