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Swift 3 - Sending message with image - Undetermined Literal

Currently trying to open MFMessageComposeViewController with an image attached but the typeIdentifier that I have found in older code seems to not be the right fit and I'm not able to find any documentation regarding attaching an image to a message other than copying the image to the PasteBoard/clipboard then having the user manually paste it in the message.

func sendMessageWith(imageData: Data) -> MFMessageComposeViewController? {
  if MFMessageComposeViewController.canSendText() == true {
      let composeVC = MFMessageComposeViewController()
      composeVC.messageComposeDelegate = self
      composeVC.addAttachmentData(imageData, typeIdentifier: kUTTypeJPEG, filename: "image.jpg")

      return composeVC

  print("Try Again")
  return nil


  • You need to import MobileCoreServices framework:

    import MobileCoreServices

    which contains the UTCoreTypes header which contains kUTTypeJPEG.

    and you have to cast the constant to String because it's a CFString:

        typeIdentifier: kUTTypeJPEG as String,
        filename: "image.jpg"