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GetProcAddress doesn't return the real address for LoadLibraryA

DWORD dwLoadLibrary = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll"), "LoadLibraryA");

When I go to the returned address in OllyDbg I can see that this address points to the code which jumps to the real address of LoadLibraryA. I want to get the real address of LoadLibraryA which doesn't change because kernel32.dll is loaded at the same location in every process and also I would like to know why GetProcAddress doesn't return the real address.

enter image description here


  • You are getting the "real" address of kernel32.LoadLibraryA, as GetProcAddress() returns the real address. It is just that the implementation of kernel32.LoadLibrayA has moved from kernel32.dll to kernelbase.dll, and as a result kernel32.LoadLibraryA simply consists of a single instruction:

    jmp dword ptr[kernelbase.LoadLibraryA]

    If you look at more functions in kernel32.dll, many of them also have this same pattern:

        jmp [kernelbase.somefunc]