I have this dataframe :
order_id product_id user_id
2 33120 u202279
2 28985 u202279
2 9327 u202279
4 39758 u178520
4 21351 u178520
5 6348 u156122
5 40878 u156122
Type user_id : String
Type product_id : Integer
I would like to use this dataframe to create a Doc2vec corpus. So, I need to use the LabeledSentence function to create a dict :
{tags : user_id, words:
all product ids ordered by each user_id}
But the the dataframe shape is (32434489, 3), so I should avoid to use a loop to create my labeledSentence.
I try to run this function (below) with multiprocessing but is too long.
Have you any idea to transform my dataframe in the good format for a Doc2vec corpus where the tag is the user_id and the words is the list of products by user_id?
def append_to_sequences(i):
user_id = liste_user_id.pop(0)
liste_produit_userID = data.ix[data["user_id"]==user_id, "product_id"].astype(str).tolist()
return doc2vec.LabeledSentence(words=prd_user_list, tags=user_id )
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=3)
result = pool.map_async(append_to_sequences, np.arange(len_liste_unique_user))
sentences = result.get()
Using multiprocessing is likely overkill. The forking of processes can wind up duplicating all existing memory, and involve excess communication marshalling results back into the master process.
Using a loop should be OK. 34 million rows (and far fewer unique user_id
s) isn't that much, depending on your RAM.
Note that in recent versions of gensim TaggedDocument
is the preferred class for Doc2Vec examples.
If we were to assume you have a list of all unique user_id
s in liste_user_id
, and a (new, not shown) function that gets the list-of-words for a user_id
called words_for_user()
, creating the documents for Doc2Vec in memory could be as simple as:
documents = [TaggedDocument(words=words_for_user(uid), tags=[uid])
for uid in liste_user_id]
Note that tags
should be a list of tags, not a single tag – even though in many common cases each document only has a single tag. (If you provide a single string tag, it will see tags
as a list-of-characters, which is not what you want.)